Yet another shell (yash) is a command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems. The shell conforms to the POSIX.1-2008 standard (for the most parts), and actually is more conforming than other POSIX-conforming shells. Moreover, it has many features that are used for interactive use, such as command history and command line editing.

This program can be freely modified and redistributed under the terms of GNU General Public License (Version 2). Use of this program is all at your own risk. There is no warranty and the author is not responsible for any consequences caused by use of this program.

This manual can be freely modified and redistributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Japan.

Yash is developed and maintained by 渡邊裕貴 (WATANABE Yuki) aka Magicant. The source code repository and website are hosted by GitHub.